Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's ok when priests do it, but not those bishops . . .

This I don't understand?!?
Last year, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, one of the UK’s busiest abortionist was incensed when Bishop Hopes participated personally in the annual 40 Days for Life project, praying the rosary outside one of BPAS’s central London abortion facilities Bishop Alan Hopes

A BPAS spokesman told the Evening Standard that there is “no moral justification” for bishops to get involved in such a campaign. Abigail Fitzgibbon, policy manager for BPAS said that “vocal” anti-abortion MPs were also stirring up protesters. She told the Standard, “If bishops are getting behind this then I can’t see how it’s morally justified especially when women have already made up their minds.”
I honestly don't understand what bishops have to do with this being morally justified or not. . . perhaps someone of the British persuasion can enlighten me?


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