Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ah the openmindedness of Austrian abortion clinic escorts

Dr. Fiala, the Director of the well-known Gynmed walk-in abortion clinics in Vienna and Salzburg is fighting for the ban. According to Dr. Fiala, police officers are not allowed to take action against "those fanatic anti-abortion demonstrators, even when they "bother" women in a crisis situation."

The video evidence has however given the lie to Dr. Fiala's claims and shown him to be the perpetrator rather than the victim of intimidation.

Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun viewed the video and spoke with about his reaction. "I am horrified that this is possible in Austria," said Bishop Laun noting the brutality of the abortion clinic guards. The Bishop called the video a real eye-opener. "One can clearly see that they actually did such things," he said.

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