Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Want to know a little about where I'm working next year?

I'm not sure it really means that much, but it does look impressive.

A forerunner of multi-asset trading is LaBranche Structured Products - a specialist and market maker in equity options, exchange-traded funds and futures - needs to hedge the risk associated with its positions. "We post bids and offers whether it be electronically or open outcry, but as we accumulate our position, we need to trade our portfolio," explains Anthony Buendia, chief operating officer at LaBranche Structured Products, LLC, a subsidiary of LaBranche & Co. Inc. For example, LaBranche Structured Products is a market maker in emerging-market ETFs (based on the Morgan Stanley Capital International emerging market index), bond ETFs, as well as the first listed China ETF and the Chicago Futures Exchange's China future (based on the CBOE's China Index).

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