Monday, February 13, 2006
I Come Bearing Gifts
Call me a dorkus magnus, but I got something-
That's the commonly used words at Ecce Homo. I love how abortion is mentione as often as catholic.
I also have some other things-
2 buttons-
And as a segue I'll discuss something that has been bothering some of the bloggers lately- confrontation. Please if you have bad news, get over it and get it out of the way. Don't ignore us, stop being a namby pamby yeller pansy, and say if you can or cannot do what we request. Because if not, you'll be recieving this image in your inbox-
(a slightly digitally altered Balrog spewing out an atomic bomb. It's even bigger on file.)
Squach would have made this rant if it weren't the fact that he's secretly pacifist.
That's the commonly used words at Ecce Homo. I love how abortion is mentione as often as catholic.
I also have some other things-
2 buttons-
And as a segue I'll discuss something that has been bothering some of the bloggers lately- confrontation. Please if you have bad news, get over it and get it out of the way. Don't ignore us, stop being a namby pamby yeller pansy, and say if you can or cannot do what we request. Because if not, you'll be recieving this image in your inbox-
(a slightly digitally altered Balrog spewing out an atomic bomb. It's even bigger on file.)
Squach would have made this rant if it weren't the fact that he's secretly pacifist.