Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Synod update

This is what the Synod has to say:

Vatican, Oct. 11 ( - The question of shared Communion with non-Catholics continued to command attention during sessions of the Synod of Bishops on October 10 and 11. The Vatican's Secretary of State made the argument that the policy of restricting Communion to Catholics should be recognized as a spur to encourage full Church unity, rather than a block on ecumenical progress.

Another theme raised repeatedly by speakers at the 11th ordinary assembly of the Synod was the value of Eucharistic adoration. The Synod has already set aside a time for all the bishops to join in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, at the Vatican basilica. But several prelates endorsed a regular practice of praying before the Eucharist daily.

If only I could find that document "We are church" put out calling for an end of bread-worshipping.

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