Sunday, October 02, 2005
So Confused
My entire understanding of what people think just flip-flopped:
However O.O. says
So the E.U. now finds drindls immodest and O.O. finds it suitable as traditional German attire?
Someone please clarify here before my mind explodes.
Bavarian bar keepers have been told that the dirndl, generally rather revealing, will have to be replaced as it offers no protection against what the directive calls "natural sources of radiation", meaning sunlight.
Employers now face heavy fines if they fail to protect their workers from the threat of sunburn or skin cancer.
However O.O. says
Now if I can only get Zorak to wear a dirndl around the house....
So the E.U. now finds drindls immodest and O.O. finds it suitable as traditional German attire?
Someone please clarify here before my mind explodes.