Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Late Metropolitan of Sourozh and the Jesus Prayer

After reading the works of the wonderfully wise and pious Metropolitan, Anthony Bloom, I just found out that he died two years ago. The anniversary of his death is this Saturday, the 13th.

Blessed repose and eternal memory.

In many of his writings he speaks of one of the most important prayers of the Eastern Churches, Catholic and Orthodox, the Jesus Prayer.

I thought I should post a few articles in memoriam.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

His thoughts

And St. Vladimir's rundown on the prayer.

Also I'm posting Anthony Bloom's meditations on Theotokos, our Blessed Mother, in anticipation of Our Lady's Dormition/Asumption.

Of course, she is not the mother of the Word of God according to his divinity, but without her the Word would not have been made flesh, the Son of God would not have become the Son of Man. An English writer, Charles Williams, describes the event in a most wonderful way, as it seems to me, indicating at the same time the reality of the event and the decisive role of the Mother of God. He says that when the time was right, a maiden of Israel proved capable of pronouncing the name of God with all her mind and all her will and all her flesh, and the Word became flesh. It is a gift of self, and it is at the same time an unreserved and heroic acceptance: a gift of self in humility, and an heroic acceptance because of what it could have been, what is meant humanly speaking.

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