Thursday, July 14, 2005

Is B16 against Harrius Potter?

In March 2003, a month after the English press throughout the world falsely proclaimed that Pope John Paul II (bio - news) approved of Harry Potter, the man who was to become his successor sent a letter to a Gabriele Kuby outlining his agreement with her opposition to J.K. Rowling's offerings.

As the sixth issue of Rowling's Harry Potter series-- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- is about to be released, the news that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger expressed serious reservations about the novels is now finally being revealed to the English-speaking world still under the impression the Vatican approves the Potter novels.

In a letter dated March 7, 2003 Cardinal Ratzinger thanked Kuby for her "instructive" book Harry Potter - gut oder böse (Harry Potter- good or evil?), in which Kuby says the Potter books corrupt the hearts of the young, preventing them from developing a properly ordered sense of good and evil, thus harming their relationship with God while that relationship is still in its infancy.

These be fighting words.

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