Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ratzinger Fan Club QOTD

Hi Joan,
Most readers of national political editorial writers' columns do not
understand the depth of the OBSESSION of these journalists with Washington
D C politics. It's almost like an indwelling; they are so consumed by
partisan politics. When a major non-political event occurs, such as the
tsunami that took so many lives, they seem almost frustrated that politics
as usual has been temporarily interrupted.

And when an event like the Terri Schiavo tragedy occurs, they start
salivating because they have been handed red meat for their hunger to
politicize traditional moral values. Divide and conquer; an attack against

Blumenthal's whole article is an example of the Obsession sickness.
Everything is subordinate to American partisan politics, even to
portraying the Pope as a puppet of the American Republican Party! Never
mind that everything that (then) Cardinal Ratzinger wrote has been said
over and over again by the Catholic Church. It's nothing new, it has
always been, and it will always be the Truth.

That Truth is something Blumenthal wouldn't understand, because of his
political sickness. The world changes, our previous national enemies
become our allies and vice versa, the platforms of American political
parties morph into new "beliefs", black becomes white, white becomes
black, and the gray areas grow ever larger. But the Truth of the Catholic
Church remains the Truth, just as it ever was, the Truth of Jesus Christ.

You can take Blumenthal's column and see the effects of his obsession all
the way through it. Phrases such as "the right wing of the Catholic
Church", "Bush and Ratzinger" (like they are somehow equal!) "used church
doctrine to intimidate voters and taint candidates", and especially the
next quote:

"When men of God mistake their articles of devotion with political
platforms they will inevitably stand exposed in the political arena." (Oh
my! The Holy Political Arena of the all-powerful American politicos!)
Pope Benedict XVI is the messenger of the Truth of Jesus Christ. If
American politicians choose to politicize this Truth, it does not make the
Truth any less true. And the Catholic Church has marched through 2000
years carrying the banner of this unchanged Truth. America has existed
little more than 200 years, and Sidney Blumenthal is a temporary blip on
the world's radar screen, as are we all.

Get a life, Sidney. Take a trip outside the Beltway; maybe you can reset
your parameters!

Thank you God, for sending your gift of Jesus to save us, and for Pope
Benedict XVI to deliver His message so eloquently.


mary m.

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