Sunday, June 12, 2005

B16 on all forms of marriage abuse

Here I believe he is coming steadily closer to the mark. It's like in the Details article about which I blogged earlier where people seem to really believe there is something called "free love" and not to recognize the oxymoron the phrase contains. Folks, authentic marriage is where a man and a woman love and commit themselves to each so much that they are willing, in a number of ways, to give their lives for, through and to one another. Because when the kids arrive, you aren't just the high school star quarterback or the reigning beauty queen or the youngest executive to hold that position or hottest novelist on the best seller become somebody's Dad or somebody's Mom.

That's one reason the Holy Father is so right to bring this up in the context of the other marriage impostors out there, as well as in the context of abortion and contraception, because when a man and woman love each other enough to marry there can be no holding back. "I love you to and through the end of my life....the end of my life as a single person as well as the end of my life as the master of my own life and time and agenda."

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