Friday, January 14, 2005


Message: 19
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 04:12:54 -0000
Subject: Hello from a New Member

Hello to Everyone,

I just joined your group and wanted to briefly mention why. Three
years ago I left the Catholic Church and sought to convert under the
supervision of an Orthodox Rabbi. I learned of him through a Torah
teacher in Jerusalem. One of the reasons I left the Church is because
I was deeply influenced by the book, "The Anguish of the Jews," by
Fr. Edward Flannery. I know that Father didn't intend that one of his
readers would leave the Church, but when I read about the terrible
things done to the Jewish People over the centuries by the Catholic
hierarchy, I was heartbroken. I felt like I was personally
responsible for those things. You see, ever since I was a teenager,
and had gone to Israel at the age of sixteen, I always felt a deep
bond with all the Jewish people. However, I didn't know any Jewish
people, or anyone in the Church to talk to about what I was feeling.
That bond has lasted for over twenty seven years. When I read about
what happened to God's beloved people I became very upset. I decided
to try and personally do something about it. So I joined the Jewish
community and began studying the Torah and making friends. After
three years I converted in the Conservative movement (the Orthodox
Rabbi said that they decided to put my conversion on hold). This past
May I was accepted by the Jewish "court" and went through the process
of conversion. I took for my Hebrew name "Chana Ruth" (Hannah was the
mother of Samuel the prophet, who asked God to remember her; and Ruth
was the first convert to Judaism). I expected to feel very happy
about my conversion, and fulfilled. But I wasn't. Instead I began
feeling worse. I then began thinking of the saints I had been devoted
to in the Church, such as St. Margaret Mary, St. Claude de la
Colombierre her confessor, St. Gemma Galgani, and St. Teresa of
Avila. I felt cut off from them. Then I received from a Catholic
friend a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Christmas. That was
the ticket to my coming back! I had always been greatly devoted to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and when I saw that picture I knew He was
calling me back to the Church. So I went to confession a few weeks
ago and the priest, and myself, were very happy.

Sorry for the long message, but I needed to share with you where I am
in my life right now. I need to reacclamate myself to the Church's
teachings, because I filled my mind with the teachings of Rabbinic
Judaism. I actually feel like I am a Jewish person seeking to learn
the Catholic faith! It is a very strange feeling. I would appreciate
your prayers, and look forward to the group discussions.

Let us continue to pray for the peace of Yerushalayim!

Shalom Rav V'Kol Tuv, (Much Peace, and be well!)


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