Tuesday, November 16, 2004


The UK, which was the first country to grant permission to clone human beings for research, has been quick to say it would reject a UN ban on cloning. Using strong language, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, the British representative to the UN, said on October 21, "We have every confidence that the United Nations will reject the Costa Rican proposal that seeks to impose a single dogmatic and inflexible viewpoint on the rest of the world and overturn decisions which have been legitimately taken by other national governments. But the UK government wishes to make it clear that should the United Nations proceed to develop a convention banning both therapeutic and reproductive human cloning, we would not participate in the negotiation of such a convention and we would not sign up to it. Therapeutic cloning research will continue to be permitted in the UK."

That's right, when the UN goes to Poland or Costa Rica, it's OK for them to kick down the laws of the smaller countries on abortion or homosexuality. When the UN crosses England though, it's clearly right to ignore them. They're always right, except when they're wrong.

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