Saturday, September 25, 2004

Sed Contra on Rainbow Sash

The notice continued:
While we do not question the authority of Cardinal McCarrick, we respectfully submit that each of us is in the best position to know the state of our soul and our relationship to God and our Church. Therefore, each of God's children should be the final judge as to whether it is appropriate for them to receive the sacrament of communion. It is not the Cardinal's responsibility or anyone else's responsibility to pass judgment on Catholics as they proceed to the Communion table.

Sorry, but the Catholic Church is the Body of Christ, not a collection of individuals who-pretty-much-do- whatever-they-want-and-decide-which-parts-of being-Catholic-they-like-and-which-ones-they-don't. Not only does the Cardinal have a duty to your souls, lamentably in error as they may be, but also the Church at large, many of whose other members do take what the Church teaches seriously and endeavor to live by it.

Applause, Applause, Applause. Either Ambrose was wrong to refuse Communion to Theodosius after the massacre of the Thessalonicans or something has to be done here.

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