Saturday, August 07, 2004

From the Crisis e-letter. Oh my, it's getting bad in here.

1. "Public officials shouldn't execute their offices in line with
their Catholic faith. To do so would be to violate the separation of
church and state. The same holds true about Catholics who vote in line
with their religion... They're just imposing their beliefs on everyone

Wrong. Catholics aren't seeking laws that require citizens to attend
church or observe Lenten fasts. That's ridiculous. On the contrary,
Catholics support the protection of basic human rights through legislation
and policy, such as the right to life and the right to educational
freedom. These are laws and policies that embody the values that we -- as
a nation -- agree to live by.

I've heard some weird stuff in my day, but how could someone actually think that voting according to your conscience is a violation of the First Amendment? Do people actually believe this crap? How else are you supposed to vote?

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