Thursday, July 15, 2004
The Western Schism
Oft misunderstood, but it has always amazed me how stupid a bunch of Catholics can act when the going gets tough.
Thus far, therefore, there was not a single objection to or dissatisfaction with the selection of Bartolommeo Prignano, not a protest, no hesitation, and no fear manifested for the future. Unfortunately Pope Urban did not realize the hopes to which his election had given rise. He showed himself whimsical, haughty, suspicious, and sometimes choleric in his relations with the cardinals who had elected him. Too obvious roughness and blameable extravagances seemed to show that his unexpected election had altered his character. St. Catherine of Siena, with supernatural courage, did not hesitate to make him some very well-founded remarks in this respect, nor did she hesitate when there was question of blaming the cardinals in their revolt against the pope whom they had previously elected.Elect a guy Pope and next thing you know he's acting like he's somebody :-). I always preferred servus servorum Dei as a papal title for this very purpose.