The political season begins in earnest next week, when the Democratic National Convention gets under way in Boston. As usual, the politics of abortion and other moral issues will take center stage, as delegations take their seats.
Inside the convention hall, the buzz is likely to focus on the fact that pro-life Democrats may actually get a chance to address the convention this time around.
. . .
In 1992, Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey, a pro-life Democrat, asked for time to address the convention.
"He was thrown out of the place," Schwarz recalled. "We had the door slammed in our face, and to add insult to injury, they brought in a panel of Republicans from Pennsylvania to talk about how good abortion was!"
"What a gross insult! (Casey) won (for the Democrats) the biggest plurality in Pennsylvania history, and two years later he was treated like he was no better than a Ku Kluxer."
Still, they have the link to CFFC up, which is kind of insulting. I wouldn't really like a website that linked to the KKK either.
# posted by Squach : 3:36 PM