In recent years Kenya has been exporting maize to neighboring countries, especially the countries in sub-Saharan Africa that have been badly hit by famine. But this year a shortage is spreading in Kenya itself. The problem had also been worsened after, some of the country‚s stored corn was found to be contaminated with a toxic fungus, known as afflotoxin B1 , that caused the death of about 100 people in June.
If I may recommend it, this is a perfect time to find your nearest international/domestic charity and send them a bundle of cash. We have enough money to feed everyone in the world, we just don't. That may be maxamizing our earthly utility, but if we use a spiritual utility function, I think you'll find that we're not actually at a maximum but only at a saddle point, as Prof. Cao would say.
# posted by Squach : 10:05 AM