Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Godspy on stopping the bad stuff
A fascinating little article about how pols should deal with abortion and how the church has dealt with it, with particular praise for el Papa. He is quite the cookie . . . ok that metaphor didn't go anywhere.
What I’m advising goes against that traditional “avoid the abortion issue” recommendation. I’m saying that your position on abortion – which side you’re on – is going to be known anyway. Every reporter reports it because it’s such a big issue. Since they know your position and it’s such a big issue, talk about it in a big way, in a new way, that people aren’t used to hearing: “I’m against abortion and I’m also going to do all this stuff to help women, those who’ve already had abortions.” That’s new and interesting, and it’s something, for the post-abortive women, where they can say “wow, somebody really cares about me.”I think Touchstone recently had an article about stuff like this and an exchange in the letters section, but I'm too lazy/busy to look it up right now. The point being, it isn't good to yell at people and call them names. Even if true. You have to love them, even if they want you to bite the dust. That's how you win. Smother them with goodness and love and Lamb's blood and all that good stuff. Harshness is important, but it seems to me to be best reserved for politicians and others who are playing for power, not for the people who are essentially attacking their own lives and livelihoods.