Monday, May 31, 2004
Evil condoms!
Nothing more satisfying then when the WHO confirms that your religious right extremist views are the most effective at preventing widespread death and destruction. Usually it's the other way around.
The Catholic Church has played a major role in containing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. Without its message of sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage, the epidemic would arguably have been worse, not only among believers but among the general population.
But the Church no longer stands alone. Its position — that abstinence and fidelity are key to stopping the spread of the epidemic — is now beginning to receive support from a wide variety of sources. The World Health Organization (WHO) is now promoting what it calls “partner reduction” and “long-term monogamous relationships.” (Faithfulness and marriage, for you ordinary folks, words that apparently still make WHO’s sexperts choke.)
Even on the issue of condoms, where the Church has taken such a beating, the tide is now turning. The reason for this is the overwhelming evidence of condom failure. Not one country that relied upon condoms to check the pandemic has successfully reduced the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate. Not one.
Instead, those countries with the highest condom availability rate also have the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate. After 20 years of throwing condoms at the problem — and millions of deaths — it’s past time to try another approach.