Thursday, April 15, 2004
Sad news
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 18:32:20 -0500
From: "Douglas"
Subject: Priest intends to "leave the priesthood"
I just heard some sad news that a parish priest in a certain diocese sent
a letter to every family of his parish to inform them that he is "leaving
the priesthood". We know that's impossible, but he seems to have
forgotten. Not only does he intend to break his vows to his bishop by
abandoning the diocese, but he intends to get married to a woman that he
apparently has already been seeing for at least some time. Please pray
earnestly for his conversion, especially to St. Thérèse de Lisieux, St.
Monica, St. Edward, and Our Lady (pray also to his patron saint and
guardian angel). Offer up masses and rosaries for him and tell your
friends to do the same - pray with great love and we can, through our
prayers, obtain his conversion.
In Iesu, Maria, et Ioseph,
Duglasius Arturus Ludovicus-Maria de Sancto Petro
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 18:32:20 -0500
From: "Douglas"
Subject: Priest intends to "leave the priesthood"
I just heard some sad news that a parish priest in a certain diocese sent
a letter to every family of his parish to inform them that he is "leaving
the priesthood". We know that's impossible, but he seems to have
forgotten. Not only does he intend to break his vows to his bishop by
abandoning the diocese, but he intends to get married to a woman that he
apparently has already been seeing for at least some time. Please pray
earnestly for his conversion, especially to St. Thérèse de Lisieux, St.
Monica, St. Edward, and Our Lady (pray also to his patron saint and
guardian angel). Offer up masses and rosaries for him and tell your
friends to do the same - pray with great love and we can, through our
prayers, obtain his conversion.
In Iesu, Maria, et Ioseph,
Duglasius Arturus Ludovicus-Maria de Sancto Petro