Sunday, April 18, 2004

Calling it like it is


Parting Shot:

Yup. This is where I get in trouble every week.
Some of our readers come here first to see how far I
can get my foot in my mouth.

This time I'm not going to do it.

I had a great joke to tell ya'll, but had to do some
editing to make it absolutely un-offensive to anyone.
This joke is completely sanitized so as not to hurt
liberals or conservatives, animal rights activists
or hunters, lawyers, blonds, blond lawyers, men, women
or the gender unspecific or neutral. It's ok to tell
to an Irish person, Italian, or even Greek. You can
tell it to anyone, anywhere. It doesn't even require
a sense of humor. You can tell this in church, or
synagogue or mosque. Ready?

A ___ and a ____ and a ____ walked into a ____.
The ____ said, "Hey, you can't have a _____ in here."
The ____ said, "Why not? My ______ here has a _____
in his _______."

Isn't that a hoot? And so true.

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