Thursday, March 18, 2004

On the Pope kissing the Koran

Message: 19
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 03:57:19 -0000
From: "jxxxxxx"
Subject: Kissing the Koran

Well there are just two ways to look at the Pope kissing the Koran.

One) It was a mistake & an act of bad judgement on the Pope's Part. After
all nobody is perfect. Of course considering all the other good things
the Pope has done, he can MAKE at least one mistake please cut the man
some slack.

Two) My Coptic Catholic friend told me that it was a custom in some parts
of the middle east to kiss special gifts that have been given to you. For
these Muslims to give the Koran to the Pope was for them the Highest gift
they could give in their own minds so the Pope was showing graditude for
their sentement.

Even the late Carl Sagan who was an Atheist THANKED a Priest who he
was corisponding with for praying for him. Now Sagan didn't believe in
God (he knows better now.:-)) but he could acknowlege the Priest's good
will (unlike say Maddelin Murry O'Hair who used to curse out people who
offered to pray for her).

Thus the Pope can acknowlege these Muslims their good will & with a
middle eastern custom of kissing a special gift.

Take your pick.

Yours in Yeshua & Miriam,

James M. Scott IV (Yachov Ben Yachov)

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