Monday, March 08, 2004
Lay down the law
"Dear Steven, You are correct. How could anyone who regularly backs a politician who votes pro-choice all the time, how could that voter be excused from objective sin? Ignorance is the only "out" for them. Most such Catholics think this or that politician has effected much good and so they vote. Many have no idea that he is pro-abortion, or they think this issue is dead-in-the water already. In other words, God might be indulgent with them because of their ignorance. But then is this ignorance imputable for them? Is it vincible or invincible? All these elements enter the picture of the seriousness of the vote. I agree with you that any penitent who votes for pro-abortion politicians sins. The degree of the malice must be determined with other motives. I also agree that Catholics are in never-never land of fantasy on this question since so many of them never consider voting a moral act. They are objectively guilty of the slaugter of 4400 babies every day. God bless. Fr. Bob Levis"