Sunday, February 29, 2004

Those rabbis keep getting better and better

"The architecture of the ancient holy Tabernacle is set down in this week's Torah (Bible) portion. Among its appurtenances is the Table, covered with pure gold. It holds lechem panim, typically translated "show bread" (Exodus 25:30). I confess, I don't know the difference between "show" bread and "non-show" bread.

Lechem means bread — simple. Panim, however, connotes "face" and "inside." Panim has a double meaning, each the opposite of the other. The face of something is that which is displayed ("shown") to the outside world. The inside of something is that which is hidden from the outside word. Panim is both outside and inside, the revealed and the concealed. Perhaps the timing, arrangement and timing of this mysterious, meaning-laden bread unfolds its meaning."

The bread seems to be nearly eucharistic in it's meaning, truly a gift from above. Fascinating stuff.

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