Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Arlen Spector -- Foe or Bigger Foe?

"Want a few examples of Sen. Specter's blatant liberalism?
Take a look:

* Specter helped the *Democrats* to "bork" Judge Robert Bork;

* He was the *first* Republican to cross the aisle to vote
for Clinton's "largest tax increase in history";

* He sponsored the "Freedom of Choice Act" which would have
*forced* religious hospitals to perform abortions;

* He sponsored as many *Democrats* for federal judgeships as

* He voted to drastically *reduce* President Bush's tax cut;

* And, he was the *only* GOP Senator to vote against President
Bush's educational voucher initiative in the Washington, D.C.
school district."

I can't say he's a complete idiot, but I can say I think the world would be a safer place if he was out in Idaho farming potatoes or something. The tax things look ok, but the rest, I donno, this guy's a little loonie. Vote against him if you get a chance.

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