Tuesday, July 09, 2024

New Marian apparitions approved

Well new as in 1947 and 1966, but still, newly approved.


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Don't Trust Google

A view of Google's continued creation and destruction of messaging apps, building the same functionality a couple of dozen times but making not a lot of progress.


Saturday, June 15, 2024


Did not know there was an order of monks that kept a prayer going 24/7 in history, really cool. Let's bring it back!

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Friday, March 29, 2024

The competent opting out

What happens with the competent retire, burn out or opt out? It's a question few bother to ask because the base assumption is that there is an essentially limitless pool of competent people who can be tapped or trained to replace those who retire, burn out or opt out, i.e. quit in favor of a lifestyle that doesn't require much in the way of income or stress.

These assumptions are no longer valid.
Feeling this one in companies I interact with and my own life.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

El Dorado West closed in 2017

Not exactly breaking news, but I was trying to go there and couldn't find it - I kept finding another El Dorado I had never known existed. Doing a little research, the family owned a mini-diner empire and got pushed out for a Honda service center. Very sad times.

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Death of Synodality forcast

In my first look at a website named "The Catholic Thing", we have a question hard to argue with in the context of Synodality

The super-consultative synodal process will never recover. After all, how will the Holy Father and his advisors respond when, in the first days of the synodal assembly this coming October, someone asks, "What secret projects are the Holy Father and Roman Curia working on right now that take no account of the synod process, contradict its decisions, and undermine its credibility?"

Also hard to argue with the various recriminations, excommunications, etc that synodality has brought to Orthodoxy and Anglicanism, etc.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Centralized, decentralized, or neither?

A very interesting look on the changes in canons and practice since Vatican II that try to restore the ancient role of the bishop as a true governor of his diocese, and the tension between the current preaching of subsidiarity and the fact that bishiops can't even authorized a local religious order without running to Rome anymore.

Looking forward to a return to election of bishops, but only one candidate on the ballot (this is sarcasm).


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